Pregnancy and Parenting Workshops
This class is HIGHLY encouraged for all families planning to birth for the first time at the birth center. Families who have already had a birth at the center at CCWC are welcome to attend but are not required to do so.
Our Early Home Care class has been custom designed by the midwives at CCWC to answer all your questions about out-of-hospital birth, postpartum and your first day at home with baby. We will cover a variety of topics including selecting support people for your birth, preparing your supplies to bring to the birth center, preparing your home for immediate postpartum, when to call the midwife, what to expect when you arrive at the center, reasons that may necessitate transfer to Danbury Hospital, rapid birth, discharge from the birth center, assessing yourself and baby once you are home, and details about our 24-48 hour postpartum visit and changes in place for COVID.
PLEASE NOTE: This class is not a substitution for a Childbirth Education class (look below for great options!) The class is offered every 4-6 weeks. Sign up by calling the Center at 203-748-6000 or sign up in person at your next visit.
Baby Care Workshop
The first month of parenthood can be overwhelming. This short and sweet class is intended for expectant parents who would like some additional education to help them feel more prepared and comfortable taking their newborns home. Topics include normal newborn appearance and behaviors, feeding, sleeping, newborn care, and safety.
Cost for this class is $40 per couple. ON HOLD...
Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
This class is designed to prepare for successful breastfeeding. If you're expecting your first baby, had difficulties breastfeeding before or would just like to learn more and renew your skills. This class is taught by our Lactation Consultant. You will learn the importance of skin to skin contact, how breast milk is made, normal feeding cues and intervals, breastfeeding positioning and latch, and common breastfeeding challenges.
Cost for this class is $75, support persons welcome. COMING SOON!!
Meet up and make new ones at our drop-in café! Enjoy good conversation, mom-to-mom support. This FREE group is facilitated by CCWC staff and focus on balancing life, womanhood and motherhood. Come one and all, pregnant, postpartum or just to socialize.
FREE. You do not need to be a CCWC patient to attend. ON HOLD...
Mom & Baby Support Group
New! This is a weekly gathering of moms and babies for informal discussion of mothering, breastfeeding, and resources provided in a supportive environment. It is a nice way to meet other moms and get out of the house! This group is designed to directly answer your breastfeeding questions and give information. Generally meant for moms and infants < 1yrs.
Fee: $20/session or $100 for 6 sessions; sliding scale available. ON HOLD...
Support Partners Class
This class is designed to educate, inform, and guide support persons so they have tools to help create a loving and supportive birth scenario for mom and baby. Also, brief postpartum support review. It lasts 90 minutes, and support persons and mom attend together. We strongly encourage this course for anyone who will be in a supportive role during mom's labor and delivery.
Cost for this class is $40 a pair, $15 each additional support person. ON HOLD...
Healthy Pregnancy Series
A brief but thorough review of nutrition and movement, mindfulness and self-care techniques. ON HOLD...